
Welcome to the website of the Maria Jefferson Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR). We are women who are direct descendants of Patriots who helped create our nation during the American Revolution.

Our goals are Historic Preservation, Education, and Patriotism.

We hope you enjoy your visit with us and will consider becoming a member of our proud organization. For more information contact us

Pinehurst and San Sebastian Cemeteries National Day of Service
St Augustine National Cemetery program at Woman’s Exchange
St Augustine National Cemetery Memorial Day Ceremony

Today’s DAR – Part 1 of 5 – Daughters of the American Revolution

This video highlights the vibrant, active organization the DAR is today and reinforces the diversity of its membership and service work. While just a snapshot of the multitude of efforts of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, the video captures an overview of the grassroots service programs and members that make the DAR so special and worthwhile.